Saturday, April 18, 2009
Recently I watched plenty of movies but due to the laziness and too busy for something else, finally I decided to blog about what I watched recently.
First of all, I went back and watched 12 Rounds at Jusco Tebrau. Because my friend was busying for his work at the moment so I watched it alone and of course I drove my car to there.
Why I will watch this movie although seriously the movie is just very normal, nothing too special really. The reason is because of John Cena and i don't have another movie to watch at the time. So I picked this.
About the storyline, I should just summarize it will do.
A policeman was caught a bad guy and accidentally caused the dead of the bad guy's beloved. After a few months, the bad guy was broke the prison and ran away. The bad guy decided to avenge for his girlfriend. So, the bad guy caught the Detector's girlfriend and set up a lot of so called 'rounds' for him to complete in order to save his girlfriend.
As you can expect, the detector was successfully saved his girlfriend and killed the bad guy at the end of the movie. That's it. Nothing too much to expect and fortunately the whole movie was quite packed with actions so I can manage to stay awake until the end of the show.
Nothing too much to comment. Just a normal action packed movie. Not really worth it to spend money to buy the ticket. Really....
Rating: 2/5 stars