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Monday, September 21, 2009

Week One (Photo)

A lot of flight cases...

Preparing the equipment for the set up.

Level 2, the place where stores all the lighting equipment and line array speakers.

Programming the moving lights.

Level 1, the place where stores all the power cables and XLR cables.

Lighting Board (Pearl)

Doing the set up for HTC roadshow.

On the way....

After the set up....

Portable dimmer pack.

He is Eng Meng, the lighting designer and lighting board operator.

The control booth for the Canon Partnership Signing event.

From Swiss Hotel level 69....

Level 4 where they store all the video equipments.

A lot of flight cases....

Trusses... can't really count got how many of them...

Level 3.

Level 3.

Loading the Trusses.

Preparing music to cheer up.


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